“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward.” ~Amelia Earhart
I have rarely experienced as much frustration as I did this fall.
In one forum after another I listened to a series of highly intelligent people explain how we are going to ensure freedom through new currencies and other financial products that depend on digital technologies.
I have heard this siren song before. I heard it during the Internet bubble. I heard during two housing bubbles. I heard it at the beginning of the financial coup d’état, as bankers were flush with cash with the first trillions of $21 trillion now missing from the US government.
We seem to be in a trance – unable to appreciate that we are ruled by an invisible governance system that is steadily using information and financial systems to centralize. Any product that we create that operates and depends on these systems will be entirely under central control.
Software cannot make you and me free in a world controlled by physical force. The person who controls the army that controls the hardware is in control.
Nothing has changed in this respect since ancient times. The weaponry is more sophisticated and can kill many more people much faster. However, the fundamental control model remains the same.
While enjoying our protective bubble, we have forgotten how control really works. It is time we wake up and remember. On numerous fronts, violence and force are showing their face. Those who see the world as it is and are prepared to navigate it will build our future.
I want that to be a human future. The Solari team and I believe we can help by assisting you to understand the fundamental nature of the control systems around us. We want you to have a free and inspired life – we want you to be difficult, if not impossible to control.
As a result we decided it was time to revisit the fundamentals of Control 101.
As this is a topic near and dear to all of us on the Solari team and our allies – we have had quite a journey producing this Wrap Up.
- Kudos to Dr. Joseph Farrell for an amazing discussion on News Trends & Stories – that was quite a weekend of conversation!
- Kudos to our News Trends & Stories Editor Brad Eddins for distilling explosive news about the most important trends and stories.
- Kudos to James Quaid, Court Skinner and Harry Blazer for helping me complete extensive due diligence on blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin.
- Kudos to Rambus for his amazing third quarter Rambus Chartology.
- Kudos to Ben Lizardi of Lizardi Communications for his amazing graphics.
- Kudos to Robert Duper for his masterful “Just a Taste” Video.
- Kudos to Jason Worth for his Musings on Control 101.
- Kudos to our website and operations teams for getting it all online.
- Kudos to our editors for good grammar, spelling, and polish.
- Kudos to so many of you for input, questions and feedback that provided rich insight on this topic.
This 3rd Quarter Wrap Up comes with our every prayer that this work can help you live your free and inspired life!
~ Catherine Austin Fitts