I. Cyber Security
A. Ain’t No Such Thing – Zero Integrity Systems
- John McAfee: “Pandora’s Box has been Opened” (Crypto Currency No Security)
- Hackers Could Program Sex Robots to Kill
- Hackers Stole $32 Million in Ethereum in Second Heist this Week
- Cyber Threats Prompt Return of Radio for Ship Navigation
- Hackers Gain Direct Access to US Power Grid Controls
- California Passed a Law Boosting Police Transparency on Cellphone Surveillance. Here’s Why It’s Not Working
- More Equifax Lies? Company Originally Hacked Five Months Earlier Than It Disclosed
- Here’s How Apple Says It’ll Protect You In The Age Of Face ID
B. Are You an Internet of Things Number?
C. Quantum Computing and AI
- Elon Musk Issues a Stark Warning about A.I., Calls it a Bigger Threat than North Korea
- Facebook Halts Experiment after Chatbots Create Secret Language
- Teenage Whiz Kid Invents an AI System to Diagnose Her Grandfather’s Eye Disease
- Alex Jones Breaks Down How AI Will Control Humanity
- AI Uses Bitcoin Trail to Find and Help Sex-trafficking Victims
II. Health
A. Freedom
B. News
- Feds Award Millions For Autism Research
- FDA Plans to Reduce Nicotine in Cigarettes to Non-addictive Levels
- Over a Million Children Under the Age of Six are Currently on Psychiatric Drugs in America
- Sperm Count in Western Men Plunges to Record Low as Scientists Blame Chemicals in Everyday Products for Crisis
- Crispr Fans Dream of a Populist Future for Gene Editing
- Ohio Parents Disagree with School Over ADHD Diagnosis – Lose 7 Year Old Son to CPS
- Sofia Smallstorm “Soil Bacteria Is Being Wiped Out Deliberately, To Cause A Global Health Collapse.”
C. Food and Water
- LePage Signs Food Sovereignty Law, the First of its Kind in the Nation
- The Cost of Water Is Rising. Philadelphia Has an Unprecedented Plan to Make It More Affordable.
- Bill Gates Invests in ‘Clean Meat’ Startup that Rids the Need for Animal Slaughter
- Industrial Farming is Driving the Sixth Mass Extinction of Life on Earth, Says Leading Academic
- Identifying Authentic Produce and Ethical Farmers at the Market
- Monsanto Banned from European Parliament
D. Vaccines
- Millions of People Take to the Streets in Italy and France to Protest Mandatory Vaccines
- An Interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. on Vaccines, August 14, 2017
- US Take Action: Bill Calling for First ever Federal Vax/un-vaxxed Study
E. EMF Radiation
III. Humans Robotic, Super Humans and Robots
- This Chart Shows where Robots are Going to Replace Humans on Wall Street
- Scientists Turn Docile Mice Into Super Aggressive Alphas With Brain Stimulation
- Chinese Robot Dentist is First to Fit Implants in Patient’s Mouth without any Human Involvement
- Hackers Could Program Sex Robots to Kill
IV. Environmental Stresses and Disaster Capitalism
- What Every American Needs to Know about Puerto Rico’s Hurricane Disaster
- Extensive List of Patents: Geoengineering Watch
- We’re Nowhere Near Prepared for the Ecological Disaster That Harvey Is Becoming
- Hurricane Jose: Storm Nearly ‘Category Five’ as it Follows Irma’s Destructive Path
- Irma Becomes Strongest Atlantic Hurricane Outside Gulf and Caribbean Ever Recorded
- Valley Vision as Discussed by An Inconvenient Lie
- Rosalind Peterson of California Skywatch on Global Spraying & Weather Modification
- Global Warming: Who Are The Deniers Now?
VI. Space
- The Space Race Is Now “Privatized” — But You’re Still Paying for It
- Russia, US Shoot for the Moon with Joint Lunar Station Project