I. Are We Sovereign?
Who’s Your Hero? Catherine’s Commentary on Charlottesville
II. Who Will Nourish – Rebuild the Field?
III. Embracing Complexity & Uncertainty
- Former US President Jimmy Carter Says He Knows What North Korea Wants
- Christians Outpace FEMA and in so doing Tame Big Government
- Dr. Albert Bartlett The Exponential Function
- Free Speech is Who We Are
- The Black Farmer’s Unwelcome Words of Wisdom
- America’s Stores are Closing. Why Isn’t that Raising a Jobs Alarm?
IV. Need for Revival of the Artist & Scholar
- Weapons of Mass Instruction: A Schoolteacher’s Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling by John Gatto
- Math is Amazing and We have to Start Treating it that Way
- The Confederate General Who Was Erased
- Ivy League Scholars Urge Students: ‘Think for Yourself’
- Mathematical Secrets of Ancient Tablet Unlocked after Nearly a Century of Study
A. Mind Control
- 5 Ways Smart Phones Are Dumbing People Down
- No Other Way to Say It, the Zombie Apocalypse Is Here
- DARPA Wants EEG Readers in Every Classroom in America
- Hurricane Irma as a Symbol for America
B. Trans-Humanism
V. Resources
Food for Soul Series
- Food for The Soul: British TV Miniseries
- Food for the Soul: Wolf Warrior 2
- Food for the Soul: Da Vinci and Salt
- Food for the Soul: Valerian or Why Hollywood is Hard to Beat
- Food for the Soul: 13 Minutes & Dunkirk
- Food for the Soul: Generation Wealth Exhibition
- Food for the Soul: Jack Strong
- Food for the Soul: “The Circle”
- Food for the Soul: Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party
Book Reviews
- Adults in the Room by Yanis Varoufakis
- The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads
- Bailout by Neil Barofsky
- The Fourth Turning: An American Prophesy, What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with Destiny
News and Various Videos
- Aaron Russo Talks Elites
- Malcolm Fraser on Dangerous Allies – “We’re Not Another State of the American Union”
- “Alex Jones Breaks Down Globalist Plan…”
- Exclusive Richard Dolan Lecture on the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis
- Richard Dolan talks to Bill Ryan in Depth: Corey Goode, Andy Basiago, Bill Tompkins, MUFON, and More
- Some U.S. Diplomats in Cuba Diagnosed with Serious Health Conditions, Medical Records Show
- Break Down of How AI Will Control Humanity
- John McAfee: “Pandora’s Box has been Opened” (Crypto Currency Security)
- No Other Way to Say It, the Zombie Apocalypse Is Here
- Alibaba’s Unmanned & Cashless Store Using Face Recognition
- Sofia Smallstorm “Soil Bacteria Is Being Wiped Out Deliberately, To Cause A Global Health Collapse.”
- 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money