1. Inspiration
- Jury Refuses to Convict Participants in Bundy Ranch Standoff
- The National Health Federation Leads in the Fight for the Future of Health Freedom!
- There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison! Freedom Coalition
- Harlow Farm: Sharing the Harvest
Inspirational Videos
- Cynthia McKinney On The Left Right Divide And The Power Cell Solution
- New Visual Story of Hope: Elton John – Rocket Man
- Math is Amazing and We have to Start Treating it that Way
Food for Soul Series
- Food for The Soul: British TV Miniseries
- Food for the Soul: Wolf Warrior 2
- Food for the Soul: Da Vinci and Salt
- Food for the Soul: Valerian or Why Hollywood is Hard to Beat
- Food for the Soul: 13 Minutes & Dunkirk
- Food for the Soul: Generation Wealth Exhibition
- Food for the Soul: Jack Strong
- Food for the Soul: “The Circle”
- Food for the Soul: Renoir’s Luncheon of the Boating Party
2. Shout Outs, Petitions and Donations
- Giza Death Star: Dr. Joseph P. Farrell
- The Saker Community Cooperative
- All Things Cynthia McKinney
- EMF Warriors 1 & 2- Follow The Money
- Jon Rappoport’s No More Fake News
- Franklin Sanders Precious Metals: The Money Changers
- Strong Towns: Join the Movement by Subscribing
- National Health Federation (NHF): Subscriber Magazine
- International Magazine for the Advancement of Spiritual Science
- Farm Crisis Resource Center
- Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- First They Came For the Nazis and Pedophiles…
- Help Feed Victims Of Hurricane Harvey
- Houston Food Bank
- “Stand Strong for the Constitution”A Utah Coalition
- Tenth Amendment Center: Investing in the Constitution and Liberty Today
- Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officer Association: Freedom Coalition
- Global Warming, An Inconvenient Lie
- Don’t Let Congress Censor the Internet
- Renew Your Support For Freedom Online: Electronic Frontier Foundation
- Stop the U.N. Gun Ban
- The National Health Federation: Health Freedom News
- There Is No Liberty With Innocents in Prison! Freedom Coalition
- Truthstream Media: Become a Patron
- 3D Printer Construction Set Workshop
- Qwant, the European Search Engine that Respects Your Privacy
- Vaccination: Lawsuit to Save Religious Exemption
- Vets For Child Rescue: Shine the Light! The Best Antiseptic for Corruption is Sunlight
- Consumer Reports
- Free Ross Ulbricht
- In Power Movement: A Mass Action of Liability
- InPower Movement: Taking Back Our Power
- Open Source Ecology
- Millicent’s Legal Fund: My Mobility, Save My Life and to Expose These Heinous Crimes Against Humanity
- Funeral Expenses for My Father