I. Governance and Sovereignty:
A. Enforce the Constitution
- Enforce the Constitution with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
- Jury Smacks Down Kangaroo Court in Bundy Trial
B. Con Con: Worst Idea Yet
- Constitutional Convention Under Consideration in New York
- Bandits Terrorizing Virgin Islands After Governor Seized Private Arms
- What Country Is This? Forced Blood Draws, Cavity Searches and Colonoscopies
- Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes—Only 1% Opposed It
C. Shred the Constitution Even Worse
- Rand Paul’s Amendment to Force a Vote on Endless War Gets Kicked Down the Road..
- Shadow Citizen’s McIntosh Interviews Fitts: Entrainment, Mind Control and the Fall of America
- Congress Quietly Passed a Bill Allowing Warrantless Searches of Homes—Only 1% Opposed It
D. Decentralization: Can We Re-Localize? Can It Work?
- A Corporate Supercell Spawning a Hailstorm of Special-Interest Legislation
- Shadow Citizen – Catherine Austin Fitts: Talks Local Action and POISON
- What America’s ‘Baby Bust’ Means for Public Policy
E. Sovereignty
- Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s IT Aide Imran Awan Indicted on Four Counts
- Richard Dolan on False Flags
- The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Movie (Greg Palast)
- DEFCON Hackers Found Many Holes in Voting Machines and Poll Systems
- Trump’s Choices: Most Alarming Event of My Lifetime
- Here are the 246 House Dems and Repugs Who Place Israel Above the US Constitution
- Here are the 46 Senators Who Want to Destroy the US Constitution and Put You in Prison for Advocating Against Apartheid Israel
- Key Takeaways on Americans’ Views of Guns and Gun Ownership
- Stop the U.N. Gun Ban
II. Free Speech & Corporate Media Meltdown
- 69% Oppose AIPAC’s U.S. Action to Outlawing Support Against Israel: ‘Israel Anti-Boycott Act’
- United States Citizens have No Right to Film Politicians & Police in Public
- The Media Is the Villain – for Creating a World Dumb Enough for Trump
- RT May Soon be Dropped by US Providers, Courtesy of McCain & Graham
Sharyl Attkisson Rips Media for Ignoring Weaponization of Intel Agencies Under Obama
III. A New Administration: The First Year
- Neocons Love Trump’s New Afghanistan Plan, Blackwater Calls It “Obama-Lite”
- The Goldman Sachs Regency
- Steve Bannon Declares ‘Trump Presidency is Over’ after Being Ousted as White House Chief Strategist
- Bannon: “No Administration In History Has Been So Divided”
- Steve Bannon says he’s “a Street Fighter,” Vows to Support Trump (60 Minutes Interview)
Trump Stumped As Bannon-Backed Roy Moore Wins Alabama Republican Primary By Landslide
- Mick Mulvaney Backs Down: White House to Support ‘Clean’ Debt ceiling
- Senate Passes Debt Ceiling/Govt Funding Deal: Here’s What Happens Next
- DOD and HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation
Federal Reserve & Financial System
- Fischer to Step Down in Mid-October as Fed Vacancies Mount
- Trump Picks Treasury Vet for Federal Reserve Board
- Fed Balance-sheet Runoff Could Rock Fiscal Boat
- The Fed Has Created “Universal Basic Income For The Rich” And Now It Can’t Get Out
Health Care
- Trump Vows another Healthcare Vote next Year, Eyes Executive Order
- Paul: McConnell Doesn’t Have the Votes, Insurance Companies ‘Gamed the System’
- Obamacare Death Spiral? As the Bill for Misleading Rhetoric Comes Due, It’s Time to Reset the Discussions
- How Many Drug Scripts do Doctors Write a Year?
Military Modernization/Defense
- President Trump Announces Move to Elevate Cyber Command
- Trump Plans to Certify that Iran Is in Compliance With Nuclear Deal
- Trump Awards $700MM Afghanistan Contract to Leidos, Lockheed & SAIC Spinoff Believed to Control Important Missing Money Payment System Contractors
- Neocons Love Trump’s New Afghanistan Plan, Blackwater Calls It “Obama-Lite”
- U.S. Army Fudges Accounts… By Trillions of Dollars
- Leidos Works Extensively with the United States Department of Defense (4th Largest DoD Contractor FY2012)
- Senate Approves $700 Billion Defense Policy Bill
Intelligence Agency Modernization and Reform
- Bipartisan Congress Put Jeff Sessions in His Place, Shut Down His Expansion of Civil Asset Forfeiture
- Mueller Impanels Grand Jury in Russia Probe: Report
- FCC Gets more than 10 Million Comments on Net Neutrality
- Former FCC Chair: Trump Internet Plan would make Access like Buying a Cable TV Service
- Tax Reform: Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax Code
- Trump Administration Weighs Slashing Mortgage Deduction
- Hatch: Big-Six Tax Framework Won’t Dictate Finance Bill
- Mnuchin: Companies Working with North Korea are ‘on Notice’
- Trump Warns Xi: Trade War With China Begins Monday
- U.S. Farm Lobby Turns Up Heat on Trump Team as NAFTA Talks Near
- The U.S. Can Not Be Trusted – Case XXXIV: Trump Cheats On China Sanction Deal
IV. The Shift to the Multi-Polar World
A. The Big Picture
- US Threatens To Cut Off China From SWIFT If It Violates North Korea Sanctions
- Putin on N. Korea Crisis: Tensions ‘Balancing on Brink of Large-scale Conflict’
- Syrian War Report – September 25, 2017: US-Russian Tensions Grow In Deir Ezzor Province
- Economic Sanctions Against Russia Flop: The First Comprehensive Study of Anti-Russia Sanctions Shows They Hit EU Much More than Russia
- Russian PM: “The U.S. Just Declared Full-Scale Trade War On Russia”
- Russian Foreign Ministry Office Makes a Statement about the Ransacking of Russian Diplomatic Property by US
- Turkey Chooses Russia Over NATO for Missile Defense
- Iran Announces New Missile Production Line: State Media
- Interpol Approves Membership for State of Palestine Over Israeli Objections
- US Opens First Permanent Military Base in Israel as Tensions with Iran Rise
- Japan’s Shifting Power Alliances
- “Unloading Dollar Assets Would Be Most Effective” – Chinese State Media Unveils Trade War ‘Countermeasures’
- The New Silk Road will Go through Syria
- China & Portugal Step Up Cooperation on New Silk Road Initiative
- The New Silk Road will Go through Syria
- Hungarian PM Orban Pledges to Support Poland against ‘European Inquisition’
- Germany Election: Merkel Wins Fourth Term, Nationalists Rise
- Iceland Government Collapses over Pedophile Furor
- What the Heck is going on in Catalonia?
Covert War, Currency War or Navigation Failure?
- China Prepares Sale of $2 Billion in U.S.-Dollar Bonds
- US to Pause Naval Operations Worldwide After USS John McCain Collision
- Ten Sailors Missing, Five Injured after US Warship Collides with Oil Tanker Near Singapore
- Why Do U.S. Navy Ships Keep Crashing?
- U.S. Navy to Relieve Admiral of Command after Collisions
- USS Fitzgerald Leadership Removed, Details of Collision Aftermath Released
- Why Do U.S. Navy Ships Keep Crashing?
- Considering the USS Fitzgerald Incident
- What’s Really Going on with those Expensive Aegis Class Missile…Part One
- What’s Really Going on with those Expensive Aegis Class Missile…Part Two
- Navy Returns to Compasses and Pencils to Help Avoid Collisions at Sea
The Americas
- Winners And Losers When Trade War Breaks Out Between The US And China
- Initial Jobless Claims Surge Because of Hurricane Harvey
- Goldman “Unexpectedly” Exempt From Venezuela Bond Trading Ban
- Tony Gambino of the Gambino Crime Family: “The Vatican Runs the Mafia”
- Pope Francis: US-Russia Alliance ‘Dangerous’
B. Global Powwows
- Road to the 2018 G7 Summit in Charlevoix
- Ninth BRICS Summit Opens Xi Jinping Chairs the Summit and Delivers Important Speech Stressing Stronger BRICS Partnership for a Brighter Future
- A Brief Explainer on the BRICS Summit in China’s Xiamen
V. The Deep State Grows More Evident: National Security Control
- Washington Deep State w/ Dr. Cynthia McKinney
- The Entity Controlling The Economic System Is Much Larger Than The Fed:Rob Kirby
- CIA Agent Whistleblower Kevin Schipp Risks All To Expose The Shadow Government
- Whistleblower Lawsuit Charges Illegal Retaliation, Dangerous Practices at CIA’s Elite Directorate of Operations
- NSA Links to Big Corporations
- Former Forbes Bureau Chief Blows Whistle On 9/11 & Fukushima
- Seeing The Secret State: Six Landscapes